153 Grand Multi-Family Home Saratoga Springs, NY
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After a fire destroyed a multi-family home at 153 Grand Avenue, modular construction was explored in an attempt to speed up the reconstruction process. Phinney Design Group teamed with Westchester Modular and coordinated designs to meet the home owner’s standards, yielding this three family home. The home was fabricated in only 8 days and assembled on site in 2 days. With a downtown location allowing for a pedestrian lifestyle, and a plethora of “green” amenities, this home is truly a prime example of efficient living.
The common walls of this multi-family residence reduce exposure to the elements saving on heating and cooling; the cupolas with awning windows and fans at the peaks allow for both active and passive heating and cooling strategies; the efficiencies of the modular construction process significantly reduced construction waste; low VOC finishes have been used throughout the home, as well as high efficiency heating and cooling systems.
The project was awarded by the Saratoga Preservation Foundation for its historically sensitive design.